How to enter a Phone Order in POS

How to enter a Phone Order in POS


Please login into your POS and then in left menu go as follows to enter a Phone order.

Enter Phone Order --> Phone Order


Order type of phone orders would be “Order”.


Order Details:

Once you entered register amount system will bring you order screen to enter POS order. On the top section “Order Details” you need to select Employee ID who is goin to enter order. By default system shows up logged in user but you can change employee name as per your requirment. Then select “Assigned to” field to that person whom you are goin to assign that order. This field is for designer to assign order.



Bill To:

This is customer section. You can either search any existing customer and select it to add in customer section or you can enter new customer details.



Item Details:

After Billing next section is item details. Search existing item in your system and select to add that item which you’d like to add in order.

You can add multiple items on same order, can edit item prices, provide % or flat discount on specific item, can edit any added item and update info and save them.



Ship To:

Under shipping details, please enter all order shipping details. If customer added in Billing section already ordered in past then system saves all past shipping details, you can pull all previously added shipping details for that customer by clicking on “View ship to address”.



All local shipping zip code/postal code must be entered in your QF Admin else system will consider it non-local zip code and will automatically change delivery method to wireout and will charge wireout service charge. You can still override it to local truck by turning on “Override” checkbox below to delivery method.


Order Total:

Here you can see your order subtotal, delivery charge, service charge, relay charge, discount and order total. By default these fields are non-editable but you can override Delivery, service, relay or discount if you need be by turning on Override checkbox.




There is Save Order button on left side. Save Order button saves all your order info, it doesn’t charge your credit card. If you want to save your order info without booking it just hit Save Order button on left system, system will save order info but won’t charge credit card.

Payment Information:

Now this is last section where you will enter payment information. Select payent method by which customer paid that order. We have many payment options so you can choose as per customer pays.


Select the payment method then enter payment details then hit Book Order to finally book that order.



Once you hit Book Order system will show a popup alert that your order is processing, please click on “OK” button to proceed. Once order is booked, system will automatically print order superticket/workticket.


 Note: Phone orders are regular local delivery orders. These orders need to be added in driver tripsheet and then deliver by drivers, they don’t show up in your POS transaction under POS shift. When you book phone order, system automatically prints superticket/workticket, it does NOT print customer receipt.