How to Enter a Wire-Out Order

QuickFlora- Wire-Out Order Process


To enter Wire-Out order please login into POS and go to “Phone Order” screen.

Please enter order details and select delivery method as “Wire Out”.


When you select Wire Out delivery method, system will populate Wire Out Information panel at the bottom of order screen to fill out Wire Out information.


Please select wire service from Wire Service dropdown menu and select “Wire Service” method from Trans. Method dropdown menu.


When all order details are filled in please click on Book Order button to process order.

Now order is booked and order details need to send to Wire Service (In this case FSN), please go to left hand side menu as follows:

Orders --> Wire Orders


Please click on “Process” button which will take you to next review order screen.


It will bring the next screen, please click on “Transmit” button at the bottom to send order to FSN.


Once order is transmitted successfully it will show success message at the bottom with order reference number. You can see reference # in wire order list page.